Friday, April 20, 2012

forward facing and pizza making

My sweet girl is getting soo big soo fast! I turned her car seat around to face the front yesterday and she loves it.
it is like she has discovered a whole new world exists! 

She is also becoming such a big help. She loves to do whatever mommy is doing. Tonight she helped me make homemade pizza. I cant't believe my baby will be two in August! She is growing too fast!

Friday, December 30, 2011

SNS nails and starting the New Year off feeling more confident

I cannot believe that it is almost 2012. Where has the time go? I have been in a major funk the last few months and these last two weeks I have been trying to turn it around and get "me" back again. Today I treated myself to a day at the spa for some pampering. I got a wonderful haircit that I love, a pedicure, and a new awesome manicure with something called SNS nails. SNS nails are a new type of nail that are neither acrylic or gel. They do not damage nail bed actually strengthen real nails by adding calcium and Vitamin E to them.
they are permanently shiny and are chip- proof. Because they are better for your nails and newer it does cost a litte bit more. It was the coolest manicure I have ever gotten. I was fascinated wi th each step of the process as it is different from a normal manicure or set of acrylic or gel nails. It is a powder that is put on your nail and forms the barrier. They prep your nails with clear polish and then dip your fingernail into a white powder that looks like body glimmer powder. Then they put another layer of clear polish and dip it again in the white powder. Clear nail polish again and then into the color of your choice powder. Clear nail polish again and a color dip. More clear nail polish. The nails are dry almost instaneously. Like within a minute if that. Then you wash your hands to get the powder off and a shine finishing polish is applied. Then off you go, no waiting under UV lights or a fan anymore. Too bad you cannot have SNS nails on your toes. But anyways, in all seriousness
I NEEDED this day at the spa. Armed with my new hairdo and  my nails and feet done
I feel like an actual woman and not a frumpy mom. For the first time in I don't even know I walked by a mirror and thought "Damn, I look hot today!" So, hopefully in 2012 I will continue to gain more self-confidence and continue to better my appearance that I have been neglecting for so long.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First post..

I highly doubt anyone will ever read this so I am basically just starting a blog for myself and to document some of the things going on in my life and in my beautiful daughter's life. I became a mommy in August of 2010 and it has been sooo amazing, amazingly wonderful and amazingly difficult yet I would not change a thing. I left the father of my child after a tumultuous four year relationship on Father's Day of 2011.. Ironic huh? I am now a struggling single mom who receives no financial support from her father and little help with her either, but it's ok because it's me and my baby girl against the world. Currently I am racking my brain for ideas on how to work at home or part time to be at home with her because I feel like I never get to see my baby girl as much as I have to work and travel to make the few pennies I do make to survive. I consider myself a Christian and am exploring the church in a way I never have before so I am very excited to be getting closer to God and to having a real relationship with Him for the first time in my life. I have some things I need to work on, but who doesn't? I feel like this is all over the place but I want to get this started before I change my mind.. I have a paranoid thought that people I know will find this blog and read it and that's not what I really want.. Anyways, Sofia's Christmas pictures are tomorrow so I need prayers because my child does not care for pictures and does not cooperate with the photograper like EVER! Anyways.. Goodnite!
